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Quilt Magazine Interview (2022)

In addition to this video/interview, Quilt Magazine had put together a magazine article based on their experience getting tattooed by me. 

Click Here To Read Article

Soul Kinection Mini Docu-series: 2021

I had the honor of being the first episode of an up-and-coming clothing brand named Soul Kinection. Get to know me a little better and my career as a tattooed. 


Episode 1: Rhyno

Chill Beats Mix Vol. 1


Bboy Rhyno

People that know me on a personal level know that I have been breakdancing since 2007. Something that I still dabble with after my hours at work. A nice break away from bad-posture sittings drawing and tattooing hours on end. 

Podcasts & articles


The People's Podcast is about crafting your ideal lifestyle and creating an optimized version of yourself.

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my good friend, Angelo Liloc. We were able to talk on a personal level about who I was before I began tattooing and how I became the man I am today. This episode is not only about mastering a craft but also how I value a work/life balance.

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In this article, I talk briefly about how I got started and how my apprenticeship was. The story of my origin had never changed. Even though this article was written in 2018, many of my goals and ideas have been consistent and stay true to this day. 

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